Computers are to design as microwaves are to cooking

In both cases, they can make certain tasks more efficient and accessible, but they don’t replace the core skills and creativity of the person using them.

In design, the computer is a powerful tool that can assist designers in creating digital artwork, layouts, and prototypes, but it doesn’t replace the designer’s creative vision, problem-solving abilities, or understanding of design principles.

⛵ Before embarking on the journey to master any design software, it’s crucial to establish a solid foundation in fundamental design principles. Often, when prospective designers seek design education, they inquire about the specific software they’ll be learning. While learning the tools may seem more enticing and immediate, this approach can inadvertently lead to a challenging and directionless path.

👨‍🎨 This mindset can set you on a lengthy and arduous journey, lacking a clear roadmap or guidance. It’s worth noting that many design courses, especially those focused on User Interface (UI) design, may prioritize tool proficiency over foundational design knowledge. However, in my perspective, UI design is inherently rooted in graphic design principles, making it a logical precursor to any UI design education.

👉 Consider the analogy: just as one should understand the grammar and structure of a language before mastering a writing tool, similarly, grasping the core principles of design is pivotal before diving into the intricacies of design software. This approach not only ensures a stronger design foundation but also empowers designers to create more meaningful and effective visual experiences.



"Envision boldly, then bring it to fruition. Design is a dynamic blend of creativity and problem-solving, intricately attuned to the mindset of its intended users, striving to be both purposeful and sustainable."
UX laws serve as more than just a valuable resource for guiding informed design choices; they also act as a powerful defense against unproductive or detrimental alterations that could harm the overall user experience of a product. The significance of these principles in shaping your design stems from their foundation in validated research, rather than mere subjective opinions or personal anecdotes.
Sherjeel Javed

My design stack

muAs product designers, we all have a stack that we swear by for all our years of experience; having tried and test various apps and tools. Some may evolve constantly and stand the test of time, while a lot may use for a set period usually overthrown by a mere plugin or an update (when mainstream apps realize they need to). My design stack

Roadmap to UI Design

Design is an integral part of any user interface (UI) and a strong understanding of basic design principles can vastly enhance the usability and aesthetic appeal of a product. Therefore, it is essential for UI designers to familiarize themselves with the fundamentals of design before diving into their work. In this article, we will discuss why learning basic design principles is integral for UI design and how it can benefit the design process.
Roadmap to UI Design

How UX effects your business

The user experience (UX) is an important part of any business. As a consumer, you’re probably aware of this fact. If you’ve ever used an app with terrible UX design, then you know just how frustrating it can be—and that frustration can quickly turn into the app becoming your least favorite thing in the world. But why does good UX matter so much to businesses? Why should they invest in creating a great user experience when what they want is more sales? The answer is simple: because it will help them grow their businesses and make more money. In this guide, we’ll explain how UX impacts your business as well as how to improve it!

How UX effects your business